Monday, January 4, 2021

Happiness shots

                 Happiness shots 

I first heard about this on a Mindvalley clip from Vishen Lakhiani. 
Happiness shots. 

Yesterday at night I watched an old movie...not that old mind you yet, old because they just don't make movies like that now. Beautiful filming every take, a picture postcard scene and actors that let us feel true indepth emotions. 

And, as those emotions, like waves of beautiful light shone out through my television screen upon me, I felt something, something I had not remembered in a long time. I felt touched, drawn, hugged, loved...and most importantly I felt, I could fly.

I was there on my chair but, I could fly.
That second in the movie had touched my wings with a heavenly light. It was pure, it was good and even though I had thought at times otherwise, I could feel it now and I knew, in those seconds, that it was good for me. It was good. And it gives me wings to fly. 

As I savoured the taste akin to chocolate, felt the tenderness of it on my lips, that chocolate melt in my mouth and the warmth of love. I knew, this was a feeling I need to let free. A feeling I needed to spread my wings and fly with...high.
 A feeling that could not only make me fly but, will always lift me high above everything. 

Today I was reminded, "Ultimately it's the feeling" and these feelings are the only tangible and pure things we hold safe in the depths of our souls.

So, what are "Happiness shots?" The best way to answer that will be to simple say, "try this." 

Everyday for as long a time or short as you like, think of a good experience, thought or feeling you have had, it can be something recent or of a long time ago. Hold this thought, feeling or experience close and let yourself feel it. Touch that moment in your heart, with your mind and soul.

We often hold on to and keep going back and to, moments that give us negativity or bring us low.

Instead now give yourself the opportunity to re-experience happiness. You are filling yourself  with happy thoughts. As you think of these experiences do not hold onto it to prevent moving, do not attach yourself to it...just feel it and let it go when it needs to. 

Take the time, all the time you need feeling it and appreciating it and watch how those moments change as you recall them and watch how you change. Feel, how you feel and open your heart to the magic of the moment. 
You will find that this experience of drinking in happiness shots will speak to you in ways you had forgptten or didn't know existed. 

After you have completed this practice make sure to record it in your journal, on your computer or even on your notes on your phone. Write about how you felt and what the moment was. Make note of the moment and the experience you recalled. 
You can also make note of how it made you feel in the present moment and how that memory spoke to you.
These moments may inspire you to write, to visit or call somebody, to do something good for others or just make yourself a warm drink, sip it and feel pure content. Perhaps you may even make new decisions in your life. Remember to make note of these too. 

You can have more experiences throughout your day as you begin to experience these happiness shots more often. As you increase the feelings of positivity in yourself you will realise that you are filled with comfort, gratefulness contentment. 

And this feeling will make you fly.

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