Sunday, February 9, 2020

Meeting You

When clouds collide 
Earth, wind and fire
Steals your heart and sets you on fire
Where there was you 
There is now me
Locked in this hold
That erases all trace
Of standing alone 
Out on the sidewalk
Kisses so sweet 
Have stolen our place 
We are now flying
Clean out of space 
Two souls in 
Tomorrow's embrace.

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Reality Unspoken

Your invisible
Naked to the eye

I can't see you 
Even if I tried
Just a spec hidden 
Floating in the air
Where you go to
I shouldn't care
For what one
Can't see 
And seldom hears
Ideally one should
Not fear

Are you here or
Are you really there
I guess I won't know
I really shouldn't care
Just a word that
I can't hear
A thought expressed
With emoticons
Of a hundred 
Different sorts
You tell me things 
I long to feel
In every different part

When in between 
The lines one reads
Will it ever be
Real to the touch
Or is this just
A make believe
Are we speaking 
Words of the soul
Or are these feelings
Not to be whole

When you are not here
And I am not there
How this goes through
I really shouldn't care
But caught in your gaze
Is it just luck
That our emotions are
Trying to drive us nuts


I have longed for you in all the right places,
Felt your touch when the night is cold
Watched for you to call me closer
Like the stars that shine the evening turns to night,
I wait in longing of you, 
Awaiting me...holding me tight.